Ahhhh we are here! After months a building this website, it's lauch day! Let me tell you, building a website is like moving into a new place. You just don't know how much stuff you have until it's time to move.
It's no secret- Selling sites like Ebay, Etsy andmany others are robbing artists. The fees Etsy withdraws from indie artists and curators continues to be alarming. Many sellers, like myself, are finally reclaiming our worth. In all honesty, leaving something that is so familiar to me is scary. There's a bit of a comfort level that I know I'm trying to leave behind. BUT, at what cost? The cost is for you, our supporter, to be inspired. To have a shopping experience that is more organized and hands on (ie crafting your OWN teacup candle).
Lets face it, shopping via social platform, without ever leaving social platforms is where we needed to be. I have the opportunity to snap photos of my products in my sacred spaces and link them directly to the shop! Many shop this way, I shop this way, its the future.
SO here we are, launch day! Hope you, above all else, finds motivation, stimulates passion and feels inspired! Welcome to the new Jacy's Apothecary, so so very excited you are here!!
Merry Meet, Merry Part and Merry Meet Again! - JW